Meet Your Trainer


Jody Fredwest

Hi, I am the owner/operator and trainer at Grit Strength. I am a NASM certified personal trainer with specializations in behavior change and women’s fitness, body building, precision nutrition, and ISSA nutrition, a former competitive lifter and an NPC figure competitor. I became a personal trainer because I am passionate about changing how we view our physical and mental health. I believe that connection and community are vital in creating change. I like to laugh, talk about my kids and dogs, and I love to lift heavy. While intensity will always play a part in training I think consistency accomplishes goals.

We are in a dangerous trend of fad diets, fat burners, and multi-level marketing companies using people with no background or knowledge in fitness selling programming via social media. I see people trying to buy their way to being fit and I am here to tell you there is no quick fix. I can help you make small, sustainable changes to reach your goals in a supportive community.